Central TAFE has successfully piloted a unique 12 week fast track training program that ensures welding supervisors are certified to Australian Standards.
The course offers post trade training in welding metallurgy, process technology and Australian Standards codes and specifications, and was designed in response to industry need.
get new welders standards
Get New Welders standards and join the companies with staff trained to Australian Standards, experience increased competitiveness in the global market, and tender on large contracts that require certified supervisors. Despite this, the industry has historically experienced difficulty in booking their staff into an 18 month course.
According to Central TAFE Project Manager Bill Roberts, the mining boom has seen the educational delivery requirements of the sector change. “Many of our clients work in mining and as such, are onsite or offshore for considerable periods, making it difficult to consistently present at a longer course in Perth.”
“We needed to change what we offered to suit industry and the individual. We needed to meet industry demand and attract clients from what is now a very mobile workforce.”
“The new program runs part time, for three nights a week over a 12 week period, which suits those hoping to work away or those on shift work.”
The program first ran in 2007 with 20 students, and is continuing in Perth, in addition to being slated for roll out in the South West and Pilbara regions.
Eddy Derwort of Bradken Mining said the course participants now have increased knowledge and value to the company. “Our staff came out as different people – with a really broad base of knowledge that no other course offers. They came out as far more competent people.”
“As a result of the fast track course, we have been able to train our staff to a level where they can offer supervision and inspection of work being performed to local and international standards.”
“Central TAFE’s response to industry requirements in this regard was very impressive. They sought industry opinion to develop a course that applied modern day thinking to a course that had been unchanged for 30 years,” he said.
Central TAFE is the only College to present this training and award the certification certificate under the Australia Standard program.
Three experienced Central TAFE lecturers deliver the course with each one focusing on a key area; welding process technology, codes and specifications and welding metallurgy.
Central TAFE and industry also formed an examining body – a panel of industry experts – to examine applications, mark examination scripts and award certificates. This examining body ensures that Central TAFE course participants meet the requirements set in the Australian Standards. Get new welders standard now.