Best Mig Welder


Whats the best welder for 1-5mm steel, Arc or Mig?

You may want to make your own meat smokers, trailer or gates and use steel that is either thin or much heavier for the bigger projects.

The easiest machines to use are the MIG welders as they are great for thin sheet and the thicker plates, have a precision wire feeder and run on 240V with a 15 amp supply line. They can be used with or without gas as they have reversible polarity. For heavy projects they can put out high amperage for extended periods due to their duty cycle. Consider whether you will be using the welder always or just some of the time as this will help in selecting the right model of machine.

For occasional use we would suggest the TTMIG200 MIG machine, it is the best mig welder when working on cars and can put out 200 amps although duty is rated to 160 amps 35%. TTMIG200 link here

For more demanding work our Metalmaster 210D is ideal as it can run 200 amps at 35% duty. Both machines have integrated tig function so are classed as MTS (Mig, Tig, Stick). The MM210D link is here


Coming soon, Best Multifunction MIG Welders to Buy under $1000.

Damian Smith: